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American Equipment Manufacturing engineers and manufactures some of the oil and gas industries most economical and efficient vertical and horizontal separators.
American Equipment Manufacturing engineers and designs separators to meet or exceed API 12J sizing calculations. American Equipment Manufacturing also carefully sizes all components of these separators with fluid retention times, process velocities, chemical makeup of process fluids and possible upset conditions in mind. It is because this that our vertical and horizontal separators are great for high slug capacities and are known for their high separation efficiencies and quality fluid outputs.
American Equipment Manufacturing separators can be designed for 2 or 3 phase separation with separators in various configurations. Skids and houses are available as well and can be provided depending on your application. Separators can also be provided internally and externally coated with a large selection of different paint and coatings. American Equipment Manufacturing can also provide fully trimmed and dressed units complete with accurately sized and selected components ready for hookup and operation.
Filter Separators are separators that contain filters of many different styles and are used to remove liquids and light sand from the gas steam. These filter separators are often placed upstream of a gas processing plant. American Equipment Manufacturing offers many specialized separators including filter separators. Filter separators designed by American Equipment not only take process velocities, process consistency, and desired output conditions into consideration, but also ease of upkeep and maintenance. American Equipment provides multiple configurations and multiple different type of closures, including both flanged and screw type closures
Sand Separators are pressure vessels that are often installed between the wellhead and production equipment remove any sand brought up with process fluids. American Equipment Manufacturing can design and provide sand separators for you needs. We offer high pressure sand separators that can be provided with the common L-style skid.
Both filter separators and sand separators can also be provided internally and externally coated with a large selection of different paint and coatings. American Equipment Manufacturing can also provide fully trimmed and dressed units complete with accurately sized and selected components ready for hookup and operation.
American Equipment Manufacturing Inc., has decades of experience engineering and manufacturing efficient horizontal and vertical oil and gas Heater Treaters for mild and cold weather applications.
American Equipment Manufacturing engineers and designs heater treaters with fluid retention times, process velocities, chemical makeup of process fluids and possible upset conditions in mind. Firetubes and burners are designed and sized to follow API 12K and heat transfer/heat flux requirements.
We provide options for both American Equipment Manufacturing designed and built burners as well as options such as FlameCo® and Zirco® burners. Skids and houses are available as well and can be provided depending on your application. Heater Treaters can also be provided internally and externally coated with a large selection of different paint and coatings. American Equipment Manufacturing can also provide fully trimmed and dressed units complete with accurately sized and selected components ready for hookup and operation.
American Equipment Manufacturing, Inc., engineers and manufactures a full line of Free Water Knockouts.
When designing free water knockouts, American Equipment Manufacturing engineers pay particular attention to the flow rates and flowing velocities of the fluids and the gas. This is closely looked at during design to ensure that the velocities are below the entrainment velocity and that it will drop out free liquids. It is due to this careful design that American Equipment free water knockouts are some of the most effective and efficient on the market.
Free water knockouts can also be provided internally and externally coated with a large selection of different paint and coatings. American Equipment Manufacturing can also provide fully trimmed and dressed units complete with accurately sized and selected components ready for hookup and operation.
Vapor Recovery Towers are tall near atmospheric pressure vessels installed between the production separator and oil storage tanks and are a source for vapor recovery by pre-flashing the gas that storage tanks would normally see. These VRT’s can reduce Reid vapor pressure (RVP) and Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions in storage tanks, helping facilities and companies meet the regulatory requirements of OOOOa and other transportation requirements.
Vertical Gas Scrubbers can be used in a multitude of applications. They can be used to remove traces of liquid droplets from gas streams protecting downstream equipment from damage and failure. They are used upstream of gas treating equipment that contain dry desiccants or mechanical equipment such as compressors. They are also used downstream of equipment where liquids have condensed from the gas. The Gas Scrubber is designed to handle light liquid loads and does not take the place of a primary separator.
Both American Equipment Manufacturing Vapor Recovery Towers and Vertical Scrubbers can be provided internally and externally coated with a large selection of different paint and coatings.
Packge Unts
Gas Production Units (GPUs) regulate flow, pressure, and temperature— separating gas, water, and oil prior to pipeline delivery or on-site storage. Utilizing the same American Equipment Manufacturing’s design philosophy as with the stand alone separators and heater treaters, these GPU’s provide excellent separation & water handling capabilities. American Equipment Manufacturing offers multiple GPU solutions configured with 1-4 vessels per unit in either vertical & horizontal vessel positions. Units can also utilize indirect heating, preheat coils & metering capabilities.
Multi-vessel package units combine two or more vessels with different processing capacities on a single skid (such as a 3 phase Separator with a Heater Treater) that can be used individually or as an integrated two stage field package ready for field hookup.
American Equipment Manufacturing’s GPU’s and package units usually come fully trimmed and dressed complete with accurately sized and selected components or customer specified P&ID ready for hookup and operation.
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